Incoming CVP 学生们自豪地穿上白大褂 provided by the alumni association at the 2022 白大褂仪式





The mission of the 卫生专业校友会 is to foster lifelong relationships to ensure financial support for the College and its mission to educate a continuous source of quality health care professionals.


卫生专业校友会是连接的主要资源, 加强, 培养, 并滋养卫生专业学院.

Integrity • Engagement • Tradition • Service • Generosity • Inclusion • Mentorship • Stewardship


奖学金: 校友会是学生奖学金的重要资金来源, 这些只有通过校友们几十年来的忠诚和慷慨的支持才能实现. 自1995年首次获得奖学金以来, 该协会已向北州卫生专业的学生颁发了625份奖学金. 


T汉克你 考虑向卫生专业学院年度基金捐款.  您的捐赠将通过奖学金为学院和我们的学生带来不同, 教师浓缩, 设备, 以及其他需求. 


也请参阅我们的 新闻里的校友!



Upstate Pathology and Laboratory 医学 celebrates laboratory professionals this week and the role they play in the diagnosis, 治疗, 预防疾病. 医学技术人员(也被称为临床实验室科学家)的发展, perform and supervise laboratory testing that is used to diagnose and treat disease and to provide vital data for research studies. 

北州的300名实验室专业人员执行了超过8项任务.每年检测500万次,并提供卓越的质量和服务, 努力超越患者和临床医生的期望.

致我们所有的北州实验室专业人士——校友、教师和学生: 谢谢你! 感谢你对"上州"的支持!

点击这里 阅读更多关于我们的节目.

描述:现在是医疗技术项目的校友, 学生们自豪地穿上白大褂, 校友会的礼物, 在过去的白大褂仪式上. Professor Aaron Glass, PhD '07, MB(ASCP), (second row, last on right) stands with his students.


今年五月, 杰西格 将从上州卫生专业学院呼吸治疗项目毕业吗. 在她学生时代的最后一年, she was chosen to receive the Lucy Reff Scholarship named in honor of her lifelong friend and based on excellence in clinical performance. 而杰西最初的职业道路是心理健康咨询师, 她觉得自己没有遵循自己真正的使命. 她想改变人们的生活,通过对病人的护理激发希望, 但事实证明,确定正确的道路是困难的. It was devastating loss and heartbreak that led 杰西 to the career that was meant for her. 杰西, 现在她即将获得第三个学士学位, 在很大程度上归功于她的朋友露西·雷夫和露西的母亲, 劳拉·雷夫, 为了她的成功.  

“露西帮助我度过了一段非常困难的时期. 我的妈妈, Kristine西格, 患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的并发症,杰西说. “Lucy instructed us to go to 上州立大学医院 for the best pulmonologists and care. Lucy was a respiratory therapy student at Upstate and it comforted me to know that she was checking on my mom. 我妈妈在上州住院,并于2018年很快因肺炎去世.”

因为她们是女童子军的小女孩,也是足球队的队友, 杰西受到她最好的朋友的影响.  露西的妈妈和杰西的爸爸甚至是他们队的教练. But it was the days at the horse barn as teens when 杰西 realized she wanted to be like her friend.

“作为骑手,露西和我一起骑着我们的表演马走遍了纽约. 露西作为一个最好的朋友留下了一个印记,”杰西说. “当我还是个小女孩的时候,我记得对我的祖父——爸爸说过, 我想做露西做的事, 骑马.”

在她痛苦地失去母亲不到一年之后, 杰西一生的朋友露西因脑部胶质囊肿意外去世. 她当时23岁,是上州卫生专业学院的一名学生.

杰西说:“那是我生命中非常超现实的一段时间. 我崩溃了. 我停止攻读心理健康硕士学位,觉得这不是我要走的路. 我不确定我的道路会是什么,于是休息了六个月.”

It was Lucy’s mom who recognized that her daughter’s best friend should work in a field of helping patients, 就像露西那样. She urged her to apply to the Upstate Respiratory Therapy program – the same program from which Lucy would have graduated.

“露西是我决定进入呼吸治疗领域的原因之一. 这是我真正的激情所在,”杰西说. “露西的父母, 马克和劳拉, 听说我像他们的女儿一样选择了这个领域,他们很高兴.”

杰西 added, “To receive this award from the 卫生专业校友会 was shocking. 我继续与劳拉·雷夫合作,促进器官捐赠,因为露西拯救了四条生命. I am grateful to the Reff family for guiding me to the Upstate Respiratory Therapy program and for helping me find my path.”

The family of Lucy Reff opened a scholarship endowment with the 卫生专业校友会 so Lucy would be remembered forever and to provide scholarships for second year Respiratory Therapy students at 上州医科大学.

要帮助增加捐赠,请访问 , 选择露西·雷夫奖学金基金, 其他, 然后输入露西·雷夫奖学金基金, 或致电315-464-4416.

Caption 1: 杰西格 wearing her white coat in front of the Campus Activities Building at 上州医科大学, 市区的校园.



上州医科大学 College of 健康的职业 alumnus and Respiratory Therapy program chair Stephen Feikes, MS, RT, RT ' 09, was recently featured on a Watertown TV station discussing the urgent need for 呼吸治疗师.



由于呼吸道合流病毒和流感病例激增,短缺正在影响当地医院. RTs have been essential members of the health care team throughout the Covid pandemic but like 其他 health care fields, 短缺越来越严重.



现在申请这个亲身体验的卫生专业! 与放射治疗师一起度过四周, 临床实验室科学家, 超声波技术专家, 呼吸治疗师, 物理治疗师, 医师助理和其他医疗保健专业人员! 参观实验室,探索病例,学习解剖学 & 生理学等等!      






锡拉丘兹,N.Y. (WSYR-TV)——世界各地都急需医护人员 新的研究 表明未来10年需求只会增长.

By 2025, 预计短缺人数将超过400人,000名家庭助理, 29,000名护士和数百个医疗领域的空缺职位.

上州医科大学正在帮助塑造该行业的未来. A new program is giving high school students who attend Syracuse City Schools a “jumpstart” into what organizers hope is a lengthy career in the medical field.                    

“投身医疗保健” 是4.5 week intensive summer program that allows students to explore the wide range of health careers available. 由 绿色家庭基金会. 帮助制定并于2020年启动该计划, 但后来大流行来了, 让今年的班级成为第一届. 

北州卫生职业医学院院长, 凯瑟琳·贝斯纳,博士,医学博士, says the goal of the program is to take students through an engaging curriculum while exposing them to different medical careers and building their research and presentation skills.

Above: Students show excitement on the final day of the 4 1/2 week program, gathered around Stephen Feikes, MS, RT, RTT,呼吸治疗项目主任  


The first class of Syracuse City School District students enrolled in Upstate’s "Jump into Health Care" program pose for a portrait in the Weiskotten Hall courtyard. The monthlong program introduced the students to various health care careers and provided opportunities to 加强 their research and presentation skills. The students were supported throughout the program by College of Heath Professions’s Dean, Dr. 凯瑟琳·贝斯纳和诺顿医学院的学生.


大学档案保管员艾丽莎·迪安德里亚(Elisa DeAndrea)拿着前美国校友的信件.S. 托马斯·杰斐逊总统和罗斯福总统.

上州医科大学’s Archives and Special Collections recently received a donation from a retired surgeon and professor that included two letters from former U.S. 托马斯·杰斐逊总统和富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福总统.

罗伯特B. 便帽, MD, 1971届的荣誉退休儿科骨科教师, 还有他的妻子, 琳达, 捐赠了杰弗逊和罗斯福的信件, 还有其他几个项目.


档案管理员伊莉斯·迪安德里亚说:“这些都是我们没有预料到的重要作品。. “We are a small institution and getting a letter from a former president is really amazing to have in our collections and something we will definitely appreciate for a long time. Dr. 凯蒂本可以把杰斐逊的信捐赠到任何地方,但他想把它交给我们. 他和上州关系很密切.”




Darryl Geddes的故事

The Respiratory Therapy Program in the College of 健康的职业 has been recognized with the Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success Award by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).

获得杰出RRT证书成功奖, 程序提交报告,详细说明认证率和其他亮点. 获奖者的认证成功率必须达到90%以上.



Each of these three exceptional faculty members have made extraordinary contributions to the College of 健康的职业, 以及他们各自的学科. 我们希望你能考虑把你的礼物捐给我们的退休人员. 祝贺你!


琼·奥布莱恩,MSEd, RT(T),放射治疗名誉副教授

Your gift will honor Joan and her commitment to preparing radiation therapy students to be the finest in their field. 该基金将为二年级的放射治疗学生提供年度奖学金.  

给在线: 琼·奥布莱恩奖学金基金




Susan Graham, MS, MT(ASCP), SH, 副院长兼临床实验室科学系主任

The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗技术奖学金基金 is to provide scholarship funding to SUNY 上州医科大学 Medical Technology students.

给在线: 推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗技术奖学金基金




琳达·米勒,博士,I, MBCM(ASCP)SI医学生物技术项目主任

The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗技术奖学金基金 is to provide scholarship funding to SUNY 上州医科大学 Medical Technology students.

给在线: 推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗技术奖学金基金