

There are several formal conferences that are held on a monthly or weekly basis as part of the 心脏病学 training program. These conferences have various formats and are viewed as critical to the education of the Cardiovascular Fellow. 所有研究员必须出席.



8月至6月每周一上午7:30-8:30举行. 心脏科3周,电生理1周.

A weekly case based conference is held specifically relating to Invasive 心脏病学 and Electrophysiology. 本次会议的主要形式是基于案例的. 一位研究员介绍了该病例的临床亮点. This case is then used as an introduction to a more formal lecture style discussion of a specific topic relevant to the case. 在他们实习的第三年, the fellow that is on the Cath lab rotation will be scheduled to present one Monday of their rotation with the assistance of the Director of the 心导管检查 Laboratory. 本次会议的参与者包括但不限于心脏病学系, 心胸外科学院和放射学学院. 一个月一次, 会议的焦点在一个电生理学案例中略有转移, again the format is similar but the focus of the subject is a specific electrophysiology case.


  • Understanding basic concepts involved in cardiac catheterizations and interventions including indications and techniques. 类似的讨论也适用于电生理学
  • Interpretation of results from catheterization and electrophysiology procedures and management decisions based on those results
  • Review of current concepts and literature related to invasive 心脏病学 and electrophysiology
  • 了解心导管手术获得的血流动力学信息
  • 理解从电生理程序中获得的数据
  • 起搏器和icd植入和管理的基本原则.



一场关于心脏无创评估的会议召开了. 本次会议的超声心动图部分是基于对各种病例的回顾. Twice a month these cases are derived from the adult population evaluated in the echocardiography at 上州医科大学 Hospital as well as the Crouse Hospital. 除了对具体研究的回顾, 文献回顾和/或讨论的基本超声原理提出. 一个月一次 these conferences involve the presentation of interesting cases performed by the 儿科心脏病学 department. The presenter is one of the Pediatric Cardiologist who provides a discussion of some problems specific to congenital heart disease. 最后, once a month the Nuclear Medicine Department of 上州医科大学 Hospital gives the conference. 具体的核心动图研究提出. There is a portion of this conference that is dedicated to a formal type lecture on basic nuclear principles.


每个月的第三个星期三除外. 在儿科,克劳斯心脏科和推荐最近最火的赌博软件回声实验室轮流工作. 请参阅时间表以了解演示文稿轮换.

每周举行一次心电图会议,提供有趣和具有挑战性的跟踪. The tracings are reviewed as a group with the discussion and interpretation being led by one of the Electrocardiographers. 除了, specific relevant literature or basic electrocardiography principles may be discussed in the context of a specific tracing. Fellows will learn to evaluate these tracings and are expected to actively participate in the interpretation as part of the goal improving their skills in analyzing electrocardiograms.

核委员会审查与博士. Krol

2nd & 每个月的第四个星期五

Dr. Robert Eich研究员会议


 A lecture type conference is held once a week in which the 心脏病学 Fellows serve as the primary presenter of specific topics relevant to adult clinical cardiovascular disease. 每年都有相关的或有争议的话题, 以及更基本的主题是提出. 教师有时会出席,但主要的焦点是研究员. This allows the fellows the opportunity not only to more critically review specific topics in cardiovascular disease, 同时也是向同龄人练习演讲的机会.



 对当前文章的回顾以非正式讨论类型的形式呈现. 一个人是被特别指派的, 有一个出席的导师, 介绍一篇与成人心血管疾病相关的最新文章. The fellow with the approval of his attending mentor selects the article and the fellow conducts appropriate review of that article. 再一次。, this provides the fellow the opportunity to not only critically review important current topics but also an opportunity for development of skills in both critically reviewing scientific articles and presenting that material to an audience of his or her peers.



在SUH超声轮转的研究员将参加肾移植会议. The purpose of the conference is for the potential renal transplant patient's chart to be reviewed and a determination made if the patient is cleared by cardiology or if further testing is needed for the patient to be cleared. This has expedited for renal transplant patients the actual transplant procedure when a kidney is available for their procedure.


Fellows that are on a non clinical rotation or on a pediatric elective are encouraged to attend. A weekly case based conference is held specifically relating to surgery on Pediatric and Adult Congenital 心 patients.



Fellows that are on a non clinical rotation or on a pediatric elective are encouraged to attend. A weekly case based conference is held specifically relating to the care of Pediatric and Adult Congenital 心 patients.


Fellows that are on a non clinical rotation or are on the Catheterization Laboratory rotation at either 上州医科大学 or the VA Medical Center are encouraged to attend. A weekly case based conference is held specifically relating to surgeries performed on open heart patients.


Held quarterly by the director of the 上州医科大学 Catheterization Laboratory.

The director meets with the fellows as a whole to review mortalities and complications that occurred in the 上州医科大学 Catheterization Laboratory. 图表将从医疗记录中获取, films and reports reviewed and a formal write up of each case will be filed in the fellowship coordinators office.





A somewhat more informal meeting is held once a week with a specific senior faculty member in which the fellows review difficult cases or current literature. The specific content of these conferences is left to the discretion of the faculty member overseeing the conference, 但如果涉及到特定的文章,研究员们会提前很长时间拿到这些文章进行审查.



每周一次的会议,以特定的轮换为基础. 已经根据轮换创建了一个轮换时间表. 被分配到那个轮岗的人要提出一个特别感兴趣的案例.