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Resident utilizing ophthalmology equipment

The Education Program

长期以来,该部门的住院医师计划在提供广泛的培训方面一直很强大, high-volume, well-supervised educational experience for promising residents. 该课程的毕业生在综合眼科的所有领域都表现出能力.

PGY1: Integrated Internship

2021年7月,我们迎来了第一个班的全面实习.  这一年将被纳入眼科住院医师课程,并在眼科住院医师项目主任的监督下进行.  This internship year will include 28 weeks of internal medicine, 12 weeks of ophthalmology, and 12 weeks of electives.  实习经历将在锡拉丘兹退伍军人医院和纽约州立大学上州立大学医院进行,以便住院医生在PGY-2年期间熟悉设施和电子健康记录系统.

三个眼科月的目标是创造一种毕业迎新体验,而不是像在游泳池的深水区学习游泳. Each month will have increased expectation. 格式继续调整与输入的第一个类,但目前涉及到一般的临床经验, specialty clinic, inpatient consultation, and surgery.

PGY-2 Year

The PGY-2 year is heavy in practical experience. The residents are involved in all aspects of patient care, assisting attending physicians in operating rooms and, along with PGY-3 residents, cover weekend and night call on a rotating basis. Although the program is rich in hands-on experience, 教师在任何时候都可以确保住院医生在他们的培训水平和医学知识范围内得到支持,做出患者管理决策.

The PGY-2 year is divided into three rotations.  Each resident will do each rotation in two-month blocks, twice in the year.

550 Harrison Rotation:

两次为期两个月的轮岗在哈里森550号的视力护理中心度过.  This resident participates in general and specialty resident clinics. 随着经验的积累,住院医生将学习yag激光和玻璃体内注射.  非正式地称为“整形”住院医生-这位住院医生将在大多数周二与眼部整形外科医生一起做手术.

VA Rotation

Four total months are spent at the Syracuse VA Hospital as a PGY-2. 这种轮转提供了所有综合和亚专科诊所的机会. Residents can observe cataract surgery during downtime. 在轮岗期间,有机会接触退伍军人事务部低视力康复项目.

Float Rotation

Informally known as the “neuro-ophthalmology” resident.  This resident splits time at 550 Harrison and Neuro-Ophthalmology clinic.  此外,这位住院医师在某些周一会加入我们的眼科病理学家.

PGY-3 Year

The PGY-3 year is divided into three four-month rotations.

550 Harrison Rotation:

Four months are spent at the Center for Vision Care at 550 Harrison.  Here the resident participates in general and specialty resident clinics.  They perform all of the pediatric and strabismus surgery. as well as accompany the pediatric specialist on ROP rounds in the NICU.

VA Rotation:

Four months are spent at the Syracuse VA Hospital. 这种轮转提供了所有综合和亚专科诊所的机会.  The VA procedure clinic, where the resident is given graduated autonomy, is often rated as the best part of this rotation.  住院医师经常在这个轮转期间作为主刀医生做他们的第一次白内障手术. 

Inpatient Rotation:

在纽约州立大学上州立大学医院(与克劳斯医院相连)做住院医师4个月。. There this resident sees ER and inpatients consultations during the day. Both the patients and the resident benefit from the continuity provided. An attending rounds each weekday and as needed on weekends/holidays. 住院医生认为这种轮转在学习如何处理复杂的诊断和跨学科挑战方面非常有益.

PGY-4 Year

PGY-4的住院医生在各自的地点担任总住院医生的角色. 有三个为期四个月的轮岗,主要职责是外科手术和门诊服务.

550 Harrison Rotation:

550总住院医师在哈里森550号视力护理中心工作. 该主任担任行政总住院医师并制定每周时间表.  They participate in weekly general and subspecialty clinics.  他们每周大约做两天手术,重点是白内障和青光眼手术.

VA Rotation:

退伍军人事务部总住院医师负责监督退伍军人事务部的综合和亚专科诊所. 他们在锡拉丘兹退伍军人医院进行白内障手术和眼部整形手术. 最后,退伍军人事务部主任负责退伍军人事务部的住院咨询和分诊.

Float Rotation:

在哈里森街550号,花车主任主要负责角膜和玻璃体视网膜手术. 他们还与世界上最出色的(也是唯一的)葡萄膜炎专家一起工作,照顾令人印象深刻的多样化和诊断上具有挑战性的患者群体. There are some cataracts generated as part of combined cases. 这种轮换有灵活性,以适应个人居民的利益. 那些追求奖学金的人通常会在他们选择的领域获得额外的临床和手术机会.  对综合眼科感兴趣的住院医师可以获得额外的白内障手术机会,并被鼓励花时间与大量的白内障医生交流.

Resident Surgery

住院医生在最后一年的培训中获得了最复杂的外科手术的经验. They typically perform at least 200 major surgeries, addressing such issues as major trauma, corneal lacerations, intraocular foreign bodies, and tumors. 住院医师在主治眼科医生的指导下进行手术,主治眼科医生提供实际帮助.

门诊手术数量在锡拉丘兹退伍军人医院和550哈里森手术室之间平分.  These facilities contain multiple operating microscopes, 当前一代的超声乳化和玻璃体切割设备以及Argon, YAG, and Excimer lasers.  Emergent after-hours cases tend to be done at Crouse Hospital.

住院医师也欢迎社区志愿者在专科外科中心进行角膜/视网膜/白内障手术,在眼科整形和重建手术中心进行整形手术, both located in Liverpool, NY.

Resident Research

本系鼓励住院医师与教师一起从事研究. 住院医师计划有产生一流的出版物和演讲的历史. 至少,每位居民都被要求在春季的CNY愿景论坛上做一张年度海报.


在这些领域工作的教师是遗传性视网膜疾病临床方面的专家, as well as in biochemistry, physiology, and cell and molecular biology. 许多在校园进行的研究都得到了国家眼科研究所的资助, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and other well-known organizations.
