细胞 & 发育生物学

研究 in 细胞 and 发育生物学 explores the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of cellular function and development.

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博士学位申请人:  2024年1月1日


申请者女士:  2024年5月1日


细胞 and 发育生物学

研究 in the Department of 细胞 and 发育生物学 explores the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of cellular function and development.


  • PhD in Anatomy 和细胞 Biology
  • 解剖学硕士

The Department provides a collaborative research community with research interests that include understanding cellular processes mediated by cytoskeletal dynamics, cell biology of the nervous system, 癌症生物学, and differentiation and morphogenesis of tissues and organs. One of our strengths is the use of diverse model systems, which include mammalian cell cultures, 瀑样, bioengineered culture systems, 老鼠, 老鼠, 鸡, 斑马鱼, 酵母, 和C. 线虫.

学生 and faculty use a variety of research methods including sophisticated light microscopy (including STED, laser scanning confocal microscopy, spinning disc confocal microscopy, widefield deconvolution imaging, real-time fluorescence microscopy, TIRF显微镜, 薄片显微术, 高级图像处理, 电子显微镜, 组织培养, 立体定向手术, and a complete range of molecular and biochemical techniques.

“Our professors are really good with allowing you to make this degree the journey you want to be on”



细胞 and 发育生物学 (CBD) offers opportunities for Masters, MD/Ph.D., Ph值.D. 项目. While some of the core curriculum is shared, each program has its own criteria and requirements.

Ph.D. 学生 apply to the Biomedical Sciences graduate program, with requirements defined by the 研究生院. The curriculum provides a broad background in basic biomedical sciences in the first year, followed by more specialized coursework in the second year depending on the student's interests and needs. 研究 begins in the first year, with research rotations in three different laboratories across the university. 旋转后, students joining a research laboratory in CDB will officially enter the 细胞 and 发育生物学 Program.

在CDB程序中, career skills such as grant and manuscript writing, 教学, and oral presentations of scientific data are emphasized. 学生 also have the unique opportunity to participate in research training 项目 offered at other institutions. "Techniques courses" to gain different points of view or ancillary techniques that broaden the student's research training are also encouraged. 学生 are also encouraged to participate in local, 国家, and inter国家 conferences where they can present their research to the broader research community.

Degree Requirement Checklist

Please review the following checklists of requirements needed to obtain an MS or PhD degree in 细胞 & 发育生物学:

PhD Degree Requirement Checklist



课程数量 Title 学分
GS604 研究生 Student 研究 Opportunities 1
GS612 Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Rotations 6
GS616 Foundations of Molecular 和细胞ular Biology 3
GS637 Responsible Conduct of Scientific 研究 2
GS892 Introduction to the Presentation and 分析 of Scientific Literature: Journal Club 1
GS690 实验设计 & 分析 2
A623 Grant Writing in 细胞 and 发育生物学 2
A624 Seminar in 细胞 and 发育生物学 1


课程数量 Title 学分
A507 Introduction to 神经科学 3
A613 细胞解剖学 2
A614 Contemporary 细胞ular, Molecular & 发育生物学 3
A617 细胞方法 & 发展研究 变量
A622 细胞方法 & 发展研究 2
B666 Protein Structure Determination 2
GS628 Systems Biology of Genetics Genomics & 蛋白质组学 4
GS647-002 Nanocourse: Introduction to Flow Cytometry .5
GS647-012 Nanocourse: Protein Expression & 净化 .5
GS647-020 Nanocourse: Introduction to Light Microscopy .5
PHA615 Apoptosis 和Cancer 药理学 2
PHA621 Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 1

MS Degree Requirements Checklist



课程数量 Title 学分
GS604 研究生 Student 研究 Opportunities 1
GS616 Foundations of Molecular 和细胞ular Biology 3
GS637 Responsible Conduct of Scientific 研究 2
GS892 Introduction to the Presentation and 分析 of Scientific Literature: Journal Club 1
GS690 实验设计 & 分析 2
A624 Seminar in 细胞 and 发育生物学 1


课程数量 Title 学分
A507 Introduction to 神经科学 3
A613 细胞解剖学 2
A614 Contemporary 细胞ular, Molecular & 发育生物学 3
A617 细胞方法 & 发展研究 变量
A622 细胞方法 & 发展研究 2
B666 Protein Structure Determination 2
GS628 Systems Biology of Genetics Genomics & 蛋白质组学 4
GS647-002 Nanocourse: Introduction to Flow Cytometry .5
GS647-012 Nanocourse: Protein Expression & 净化 .5
GS647-020 Nanocourse: Introduction to Light Microscopy .5
PHA615 Apoptosis 和Cancer 药理学 2
PHA621 Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 1


研究 in the Department of 细胞 and 发育生物学 explores the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of cellular function and development in several exciting areas.




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