

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Department of Medicine participates in the NRMP, and accepts applications through 时代 只有.

我们收到了超过7个,500 applications per year and select several candidates to interview, including both Categorical and Preliminary candidates. We base selection upon a number of factors, including your academic performance (particularly in Medicine clerkships), 个人品质, 推荐信, USMLE分数, 临床表现.

As part of the 时代 forms, we require:

  • 你们院长的信
  • A letter from your Chairman of Medicine (or designee or Chairman of alternate residency for preliminary candidates)
  • At least 3 additional letters of reference, preferably from faculty members who have worked with you in clinical settings


  • Your medical school transcript
  • 个人陈述
  • An updated CV and a valid ECFMG Certificate (ECFMG Certificate eligible pending Medical School Diploma will suffice), 如果适用的话
  • 男,你.S. born or naturalized citizen, 假释犯, 无证移民, 寻求政治避难, permanent resident or refugee, must have registered between the ages of 18 and 26 for the U.S. Selective Service (the registry used for United States armed service) in order to work at the VAMC Syracuse (If you are female, or a male on a current non-immigrant visa, or are applying to a program that does not rotate to the VAMC Syracuse, 请输入N/A)
  • A pre-employment drug screening 
  • Promulgated by the New York State Department of Health, provides that an individual who graduates from a non-LCME accredited foreign medical school may not train in New York State if his/her medical school education includes more than 12 weeks of clinical clerkship rotations outside of the country in which his/her medical school is located unless the individual is eligible for licensure under New York State Education Law

In addition, we require a 1st-attempt passing score on Step 1. 对于那些(.e. IMGs) in which additional testing is necessary in order to apply, we require a 1st-attempt passing score on Step 2CK and Step 2CS.

The deadline for completed applications is December 1. Interview days are held from early November through mid Jaunary. We will begin reviewing files as soon as 时代 post office box opens in October. Invitations to interview will be sent via 时代 email.

We look forward to receiving your application!

适用于2022 时代®周期, 我们的项目鼓励, but does not require applicants to complete a supplemental 时代 application, offered through the AAMC’s 时代 program. Please be reminded that regardless of participation in the supplemental 时代 application, all applicants are required to complete the standard My时代 application.

The additional information collected will help our program staff learn more about applicants’ medical education journey, including more meaningful information about work, 志愿者, 以及研究经历, and will help us better identify applicants who fit our program environment and mission.

This supplemental 时代 application will be delivered on a survey platform that is separate from the My时代 application and must be completed between September 1-30.


适用于2022 时代®周期, our program will be participating in the supplemental 时代 application offered through the AAMC’s 时代 program. Applicants will be required to complete the My时代 application, and participation in the supplemental 时代 application is optional.

另外, it has come to our attention that the Terms and Conditions you agreed to in order to participate in the supplemental 时代 application for 2021 included a term that was incorrectly linked to the NRMP Match Participation Agreement. Specifically, the Terms and Conditions (Page 2, Section 3.c.i) state a participating program is prohibited from disclosing the number of Signals a program has received “consistent with NRMP Match Requirements.” To clarify, Page 2, Section 3.c.i of the Terms and Conditions is an AAMC reference specific to the supplemental 时代 application and is independent of NRMP Match Requirements.