



SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Parking Garage 西

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 西 is a publice garage.  Entrances are located on 莎拉Loguen Street and Harrison Street, 及出口位于莎拉Loguen街及Harrison街东行. The garage is open 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday. Two wheel motorized vehicles are prohibited.



Other 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage Procedures:

  • 所有停放在北车库东的车辆都必须正确显示纽约州立大学北州车辆许可证. See vehicle permit information.
  • 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage parkers must comply with all posted signs, 包括速度限制, pavement markings and designated disabled parking areas. 违反上述规定的车辆将被罚款及/或拖走
  • Storage of vehicles is not allowed in either 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 车库.
  • No car covers are allowed in the either 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 车库.
  • No studded tires are allowed above the basement level.
  • 在没有车主在场的情况下,任何保险评估师都不允许进入北州车库.
  • 任何车辆都不允许进入泄漏液体的车库.
  • 如果车辆上没有当前的注册标签,任何车辆都不允许进入推荐最近最火的赌博软件车库. 没有这个要求, the parker will be directed to pull a ticket for daily parking where, the full parking rate will be charged.
  • 当有明显的积雪时,不允许在任何车库的屋顶停放过夜

SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Parking Garage 东

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 东 is a public garage available to all, 包括纽约州立大学上州医科大学的员工和学生. 入口和出口位于莎拉Loguen (SL)的G层(地面)和Elizabeth Blackwell (EB) Street的1层. 地面和第二层,即G层和2层,仅供病人和访客停车.  NO EMPLOYEES are allowed to park on these levels.  一层及三层及以上均可按月及准证泊车. SL出入口周一至周日全天24小时开放.   The EB entrance and exits are open weekdays 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. and closed on weekends and red holidays.

Two Wheel Motorized Vehicle use Policy

  • 两轮机动车区位于车库的屋顶,供所有穿梭停车场和那些没有停车分配的停车场使用.
  • Parkers who have a Garage 东 or Garage 西 parking assignment, and are current with their monthly payment at the Garage rate, may park in any available parking space 在许可证范围内.
  • Parkers must drive around the gates to enter and exit the facility.
  • 停车者不得开罚单,也不得使用临近卡进出该设施.
  • 分配到车库东或车库西的停车人员,目前已支付停车费 不产生额外费用.
  • Shuttle lot parkers, current with their parking payment will 不产生额外费用.
  • Campus lot parkers, current with their parking payment will 不产生额外费用.
  • 对于没有月度转让的人,费用是每月30美元+税.
  • All two wheeled vehicles must be registered with the Parking Office


员工: To qualify for Garage parking, 员工必须申请安置,并在有空位时得到通知. Exceptions are made for immediate access by the Parking Committee.

学生: Students are assigned parking as space permits, based on seniority.

非雇员: 非雇员在停车方面遵循与国家/研究人员相同的资格政策. 非雇员包括通过合同雇佣安排在纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件雇用的个人.

Other 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage Procedures

  • 所有停放在北车库东的车辆都必须正确显示纽约州立大学北州车辆许可证. See vehicle permit information.
  • 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage parkers must comply with all posted signs, 包括速度限制, pavement markings and designated disabled parking areas. 违反上述规定的车辆将被罚款及/或拖走.
  • 车库东有一楼和地下室行人出口,位于楼梯间出口附近. 亚当斯街和伊丽莎白布莱克威尔南端的出口配备了自动开门器.
  • Storage of vehicles is not allowed in either 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 车库.
  • No car covers are allowed in the either 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 车库.
  • No studded tires are allowed above the basement level.
  • 在没有车主在场的情况下,任何保险评估师都不允许进入北州车库.
  • 任何车辆都不允许进入泄漏液体的车库.
  • 如果车辆上没有当前的注册标签,任何车辆都不允许进入推荐最近最火的赌博软件车库. 没有这个要求, the parker will be directed to pull a ticket for daily parking where, the full parking rate will be charged.
  • 当有明显的积雪时,不允许在任何车库的屋顶停放过夜



A & B很多

The A and B很多' primary use is for employee parking. A-Lot is located on the south side of Weiskotten Hall, immediately adjacent to the electrical transformer pad. The B-1 Lot is located next to the Campus Activities Building, the B-3 Lot is located on the South side of Weiskotten Hall, 大学大道外, and B-4 Lot is located next to Silverman Hall, 大学大道外

An A-Lot permit allows access to A-Lot and B-Lots

The A and B很多 are operational 24 hours a day. 要求外部客人进入的部门需要在要求的日期前两个工作日与停车场办公室或公共安全部门做出安排.

Monday through Friday after 4 pm to 7 am, all day on weekends and 在红色节日, B车位可供付费停车的学生或目前持有U许可证的学生使用. B lots are available to all employee paid parkers after 4 pm. Monday through Friday, all day on weekends and 在红色节日. Gates remain closed at all times. 要想进入这些地块,需要在入口处刷一个纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的身份证, which activates the gates to allow entrance. Two wheel motorized vehicles are allowed.


伊利 BLVD lot is located at 2721 伊利 BLVD 东.   它位于前山姆会员店旁边,现在是室内自助储藏室.  The lot is open from 5 AM until 1 AM Monday through Saturday.  There is security on site during these hours.  


All LC Lot parkers are eligible to park in the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 周末和车库 西 在红色节日. 代理读卡器位于车库东的莎拉Loguen和Elizabeth Blackwell入口以及车库西的莎拉Loguen和Harrison Street入口. An 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID must used to enter and exit the garages. 分配给LC的车辆, but illegally parked in the garages during the day, will be in violation of the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Parking Policy.

Widewaters Parkway Parking



该地块位于莎拉Loguen大楼的北面,位于南萨利纳街600街区. 位于莎拉Loguen的部门根据可用性分配空间. Two wheel motorized vehicles are not allowed in this lot.  建筑南侧的无门停车场设有溢出停车场

Hutchings Psychiatric Center

TU-3 and TU-4 assign parking in the Hutchings lot.   适用校内收费.


The I- Lots primary use is for employee and student parking. They are located beneath Route 81. 很多 1以东华盛顿街、阿尔蒙德街和东费耶特街为界. 很多 2 is located beneath Rt. 81 and is bounded by 东 Washington, McBride and 东 Water Streets. The lots are open Monday through Friday, from 5:00 am until 9:00 pm. The lots are paved, lit and fenced. 两个地段在开放时间内有一名穿制服的合约保安看守. Two wheel motorized vehicles are allowed in this lot.

进入这些地段仅限于个人出示有效的纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件停车许可证和当前月份的悬挂标签. The lots are closed on weekends and red holidays. 在封闭时间内取车可通过公共安全(分机4-4000)查询。.

All 很多 parkers are eligible to park in the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 周末和车库 西 在红色节日. 代理读卡器位于车库东的莎拉Loguen和Elizabeth Blackwell入口以及车库西的莎拉Loguen和Harrison Street入口.  An 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID must used to enter and exit the garage. Vehicles assigned to the 很多s, 但白天非法将车停在车库里将违反纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件停车政策.


LC Lot的主要用途是供员工停车,并使用SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID卡进入. LC地段入口位于华盛顿街东侧的福尔曼大道. The lot is operational Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. 停车场是铺好的地面,有围栏,在开放时间由停车场工作人员照明和监控. 两轮机动车辆(摩托车)不得驶入本停车场.  登记泊车人的两轮机动车辆可停泊在R地段或车库东.

进入停车场需要在大门入口处刷一张纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的身份证, which activates the gates to allow entrance. Only valid IDs will operate the parking gate. 在封闭时间内取车可通过公共安全(分机4-4000)查询。.

All LC Lot parkers are eligible to park in the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 周末和车库 西 在红色节日. 代理读卡器位于车库东的莎拉Loguen和Elizabeth Blackwell入口以及车库西的莎拉Loguen和Harrison Street入口. An 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID must used to enter and exit the garages. 分配给LC的车辆, but illegally parked in the garages during the day, will be in violation of the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Parking Policy.


R1停车场的主要用途是供员工和学生停车,使用SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID卡进入. R1停车场入口位于惠灵顿广场欧文大道附近. The lot is operational Monday 4:00 am to Saturday 1:00 am. The lot is an oil and stone surface, 是有围栏的, 在开放时间由纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件公共安全人员照明和守卫. Two wheel motorized vehicles are allowed in this lot.

进入停车场需要在大门入口处刷一张纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的身份证, which activates the gates to allow entrance. Only valid IDs will operate the parking gate. 该地段从周六上午1点至周一凌晨4点关闭. 在封闭时间内取车可通过公共安全(分机4-4000)查询。.

All R1-Lot parkers are eligible to park in the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Garage 周末和车库 西 在红色节日. 代理读卡器位于车库东的莎拉Loguen和Elizabeth Blackwell入口以及车库西的莎拉Loguen和Harrison Street入口.  An 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 ID must used to enter and exit the garages. 分配到R-Lot的车辆, 但白天非法将车停在车库里是违反纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件停车政策的.


R2 lot is located on the corner of Forman and Wellington. This lot is available to only R2 lot designated parkers. Two wheel motorized vehicles are allowed in this lot.  Permit sticker and hang tag are required to park in this lot.


Metered parking is available on Elizabeth-Blackwell Street, 毗邻克拉克大厦, 雅各布森大厅, and the Campus Activities Building. Meters are in force 24-hours per day.


服务地段位于Renwick Drive外,仅供SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件服务车辆使用,仅供SUCF人员使用.