

住院医生在住院期间轮流接受各种服务. 这是儿科住院医师按年轮换的典型情况. 儿科专科可为住院医师做选修轮转时间. 大多数情况下,儿科住院医生是唯一的住院医生, 这意味着他们可以从专科医生那里得到一对一的教学.




Pediatric 居民 spend their outpatient rotations 和 continuity clinics at University Pediatric 和 Adolescent Center (UPAC). 居民 are assigned to a weekly half-day continuity clinic 和 have their own panel of patients for whom they are the primary care provider. 他们还在新生儿医学月期间在该司轮岗, 做了两个月的儿科门诊医师, 一个月的PL-2, 还有一个月的PL-3. Additionally in the intern year they spend time in the Center of 国际卫生 和 增强 through the Primary Care Skills rotation. 第二年住院医师要花一个月的时间在青少年医学上. 通过UPAC轮转的居民每周参加3天的会议, 包括由教师领导的时事杂志俱乐部, UPAC系列讲座, 和UPAC案例会议. UPAC faculty join the entire residency program each week for resident Journal Club or Intern Conference.


在重症监护室, resident education 和 fostering an academic approach to inquiry 和 critical care is strongly emphasized. 二年级和三年级儿科住院医师, 急诊内科住院医师, 儿科急诊医学研究员, 和 Anesthesiology 居民 are integrally involved in patient care 和 multidisciplinary team management of all PICU patients. 居民 consistently rank this educational environment 和 training as one of the strongest 和 formative experiences in their training. 居民直接提供, 亲自为纽约中部最严重的儿科患者提供患者护理. 患者有各种各样的急性症状. 住院医师还为主要因外科疾病入院的患者提供同步护理.


新生儿托儿所NICU旋转, 居民 have extensive exposure to a variety of neonatal conditions 和 receive formal training in both newborn management 和 resuscitation of critically ill infants. NICU 居民 have an opportunity to closely interact with neonatal 护士 和 physician assistants thereby broadening their overview of other aspects of pediatric health care provision.


在上州儿科急诊科, 前线居民有25人以上,每年有000名儿科患者. Here 居民 are supervised by a board specially trained in Pediatric 急诊医学 faculty while caring for the critically ill or injured children aged newborn to 18 years. 作为该地区唯一专门的儿科急诊科和一级创伤中心, 居民可以接受快速诊断和评估, 程序, resuscitation 和 everything else that comes through the door in a fast-paced facility with state of the art technology.


Our inpatients are cared for in the General Pediatric Inpatient Units in the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Golisano Children’s Hospital by teams that include Pediatric Hospitalists, 居民, 医学专业的学生, 护士从业人员. 在专门的儿科病例管理人员的协助下,护理得到了加强, 社会工作者, 药剂师, 儿童生活专家, 艺术和音乐治疗师.

在实习一年中,住院医生总共有四个月的医院医学学习. 作为第二年的住院医生,他们总共有两个月的时间,第三年有两个月的时间. Additionally second-year 居民 have one month on the inpatient pediatric subspecialty service 和 one month on the inpatient hematology/oncology service.

The Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine provides comprehensive care for children from newborns to young adults up to age 20 requiring inpatient medical care. 该科提供各种疾病的护理, 急性和慢性, 一般和亚专业需求. 住院服务的常见病症包括:急性和慢性呼吸道疾病, 胃肠道功能紊乱, 传染病, 风湿病和心脏病, 神经系统方面的问题. The faculty provides direct care 和 coordination of care for medically complex patients while they are inpatients. The hospitalists provide medical care alongside the Child Psychiatry Consultation 和 Liaison service for children 和 adolescents with psychiatric 和 behavioral health problems. The division also provides consultative care for patients on surgical 和 medical subspecialty services.


Training in developmental pediatrics includes our outst和ing community resources in child development, 以及神经发育儿科中心的研究人员. 该中心为有发育和行为问题的儿童提供服务, 还有脑瘫和遗传性疾病.


血液/肿瘤科照顾婴儿, 患有各种血液病和恶性疾病的儿童和青少年. The clinical activity of the section is based in the Waters Center for Children's Cancer 和 Blood Disorders (CCCBD). The Waters Center at 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 is the sole pediatric cancer speciality center in Central New York 和 serves a 21-county area in New York 和 Northern Pennsylvania. 每年, 该中心治疗了700多名被诊断患有白血病的当地儿童, 肿瘤, 镰状细胞性贫血和其他危及生命的疾病.

The division also provides the primary source of patients for the 13-bed in-patient Pediatric 血液学/肿瘤学 unit on 11G with its supporting staff. The division cares for approximately 50 newly diagnosed children with cancer annually 和 more than 70 children are actively on chemotherapy programs. The division also provides care to children with a wide variety of hematologic disorders on an ongoing basis as well as providing consultative services for 区域 primary care providers who need assistance caring for children with potential hematologic or oncologic diagnoses.


课程继续提供儿科亚专科的全面培训. 几乎所有专业都有临床教学 儿科医学和外科专科. 居民 have elective time that allows them to create additional experiences in focused areas of the subspecialties. 在第三年,居民可以有一个“免费打电话”的选修课月.


We have three distinct pathways intended to provide 居民 with the skills 和 knowledge they will use in their careers

  • 宣传:  居民 can explore opportunities to engage in community pediatrics 和 participate in advocacy at local, 区域, 国家层面.
  • 全球健康:这条道路上的住院医生有机会在本地和国外照顾全球患者, 并深入了解这一群体的特殊需求.
  • 研究寻求在这一领域发展技能的居民可以获得广泛的资源, 和 can pursue anything ranging from lab-based projects to clinical research 和 quality improvement.

职业道路的基石是初级保健技能轮转.  这是一个所有实习生都要完成的职业路径轮转. 它是为实习生在宣传领域获得新的知识和技能而设计的, 全球健康, 和研究. 它结合了面对面和虚拟学习体验. 实习生在学年结束时选择他们想要的方向.


The Pediatric 国际卫生 Clinic is a refugee clinic that serves refugees from all over the world. These patients present with a unique spectrum of diseases 和 conditions that are not otherwise encountered on a routine basis in a typical North American urban setting. 实习期间,住院医生轮流到这家诊所就诊. 居民 also have the opportunity to participate in a 全球健康 elective during a call-free month in their PL-3 year with further opportunities for elective engagement throughout training depending on individual interests. 我们的项目与肯尼亚基苏木的奥巴马儿童医院有合作关系. 在这个旋转中, 住院医生的主要职责是对医院的学生和住院医生进行教育.


自1989年以来, the CARE Program has been providing comprehensive evaluation 和 treatment to children suspected of being abused or maltreated. CARE团队由受过专门训练和经验丰富的医生组成, 护士, 护士和社会工作者共同评估虐待的社会和医学证据. 援外社与关注儿童福利的社区机构紧密合作, 包括执法部门, 儿童保护服务, 维拉之家和麦克马洪/瑞安儿童权益中心. CARE项目提供了一个为期三年的儿童虐待奖学金培训项目.


该项目在工作日实行夜班制. 白班从早上6点半到下午5点(夜班从下午5点到早上6点半),周一到周五. 周末,所有培训级别的住院医生都有24小时电话服务. 夜班的安排通常不超过两周. 在实习和第二年,住院医生总共要上五周的夜班. 在第三年,住院医生总共要做六周的夜间工作. 当实习生住院时, 他们可能会安排一个星期的长时间通话, 其中包括一直待到晚上8点,帮助住院医生办理入院手续. 当他们被安排长时间通话时,他们将有一个不打电话的周末. 只有高级别的住院医生才能接听备用电话.g.,当有人生病或无法工作时,提供保险). 通话时间表通常按月发布.