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315 464-5531

Daniel Tso, PhD

4111 Institute For Human Performance (IHP)
505 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13210
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Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences




Biomedical Sciences Program
Neuroscience Program


Neuronal mechanisms of visual perception, studied through physiological, anatomical and functional imaging techniques. Adult cortical plasticity.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)


Postdoctoral Fellow: Rockefeller University
PhD: Harvard Medical School, 1987


Cortical Machinery for Visual Perception

我们工作的长期目标是对视觉感知背后的神经机制有更深入的了解. 尽管我们选择关注视觉系统中的处理, the mechanisms of neuronal organization, 我们正在研究的相互作用和连通性对我们理解正常和患病状态下的大脑具有广泛的意义. 一个重要的主题涉及不同皮层区域之间神经元相互作用的类别, 对这一问题的研究将有助于我们理解大脑为何以及如何被划分为如此多的区域, 其中许多似乎在某种程度上与其他区域的功能重叠. We are studying how the various visual areas interact, what kinds of information are passed between these areas, why multiple cortical areas instead of one are necessary, 以及多个皮质区域是如何相互合作的. 我们研究的第二个主题是新皮层的功能组织类型, just how segregated each functional domain is, what the different patterns of organization are, and how functional domains interact within a given cortical region. 这些研究对我们理解皮层如何在同一皮层区域代表多个加工维度具有重要意义.

Our studies using anatomical, physiological and functional imaging techniques, 揭示了视觉处理不同方面的不同途径. 光学成像结果显示一个拼凑的皮质模块或皮质地图专用于视觉特征, such as form, color and depth. 多电极单细胞电生理学显示了单个神经元的两种特性, 以及神经元群如何合作最终产生视觉感知, object recognition and visually-guided behavior.

我们的研究不仅应该有助于更好地理解大脑功能和结构的本质, 但将提供对涉及神经元连接的疾病状态的见解, such as Alzheimer's and epilepsy, as well as central visual disorders.

Noninvasive retinal imaging

我们将神经活动的本征信号光学成像技术应用于视网膜的无创功能成像, 并证明了这种评估视网膜功能的新方法的可行性和潜力. Like its counterpart for studies of neocortex, 这种视网膜功能成像技术测量视网膜中功能相关的固有光信号,如总血红蛋白浓度和脱氧/氧-血红蛋白交换. Via a modified fundus camera, 这项技术使我们能够在呈现视觉刺激的同时,看到完整视网膜的活动模式. 这项技术最值得期待的应用是在眼科, in the study, diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases, as well as in basic research of retinal function.

Selected References

-Ts'o, DY, Frostig RD, Lieke, EE, Grinvald, A.  用高分辨率光学成像揭示灵长类视觉皮层的功能组织.  Science (1990) 240:417-420.
-Roe, AW and Ts'o, DY.  灵长类V2的视觉地形:跨功能条纹的多重表征. J. Neurosci. (1995) 15:3689-3715.
-Ghose, GM, and Ts'o, DY. Form processing modules in primate area V4. J. Neurophys. (1997) 77:2191-2196.
-Abramoff, M, Kwon, Y, Tso, DY, Soliz, P, Zimmerman, B. Pokorny, J, Kardon, R. (2006)视觉刺激诱导人眼近红外眼底反射率的变化. IOVS 2006 47: 715-721.
-Yang, JN, Szeverenyi, NM, Tso, DY. 与知觉判断相关的神经资源. Cerebral Cortex, (2008) 18: 38-45.
-Lu HD, Chen G, Ts'o DY, Roe AW. 基于光学成像的猕猴视觉皮质快速地形图和眼定位方法[2009],中国神经科学,44(3):636-46.
-Tso D, Zarella M, Burkitt G. (2009) Whither the Hypercolumn? J. Physiol. 587:2791-2805.
-Schallek, JB, Li, H, Kardon, R, Kwon, Y, Abramoff, Soliz, P, Tso, DY. 视网膜刺激诱发的内在光信号:空间和时间特征. (2009) Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 50:4865-4872.
-Schallek, JB, Kardon, R, Kwon, Y, Abramoff, Soliz, P, Tso, DY. 视网膜刺激诱发的内在光信号:药理解剖揭示视网膜外部起源(2009). Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 50:4873-4880.
-Tso, DY, Schallek, JB, Kwon, Y, Kardon, R, Abramoff, Soliz, P. (2009)视网膜的非侵入性功能成像揭示视网膜外部和血流动力学固有光信号来源, Jap. J. Ophthal. 53: 334-344.
-Schallek, JB, Tso, DY. 血液造影剂增强视网膜的内在信号:潜在血容量成分的证据. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 52: 1325-1335 (2011).
-Schallek. JB, McLellan, G, Viswanathan, S and Ts'o, DY.  原发性先天性青光眼Cat模型的视网膜固有光信号. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 53: 1971-81 (2012).


-Tso, DY and Roe, AW. 视觉皮层的功能区隔:分离和相互作用. 认知神经科学,加扎尼加,硕士(编),麻省理工学院出版社(1994),剑桥,第. 325-337.
-Tso, DY and Roe, AW. 猕猴V2区的功能结构:生理学, topography and connectivity. Cerebral Cortex, Kass, J. and Rockland, K. (eds), Plenum Press (1998).


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