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教师 研究 Interests

Karen Boschen, PhD

Karen Boschen, PhD

Boschen实验室利用胎儿酒精谱系障碍(FASD)的体内模型研究了产前酒精发病的细胞机制。. 特别是, we are interested in how alcohol exposure during early gestation affects cell cycle kinetics, 细胞死亡vs. cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, and 表观遗传 modifications that impact gene transcription. We also study the long-term effects of alcohol on neuroanatomy and 行为, 关注行为障碍与特定细胞群和信号通路变化的关系.

Thomas Gamage, PhD

Thomas Gamage, PhD

Gamage实验室对G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)信号传导感兴趣,因为它与成瘾的神经药理学有关. We primarily study the cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor, through which the primary psychoactive constituent of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, produces its psychotropic effects. CB1 is highly expressed throughout the brain, including regions important for reward and emotional processing, two key systems involved in addiction. 我们的实验室使用体外和体内技术来研究新的小分子如何与这些受体相互作用,以调节内源性大麻素信号传导并促进信号传导偏倚,以开发具有最小副作用的途径聚焦治疗方法.

Brian Howell, PhD

Brian Howell, PhD

Howell实验室研究Reelin-Dab1信号通路的功能障碍如何影响神经元迁移障碍, autism and Alzheimer's disease. 特别是, 我们对Reelin-Dab1通路和其他与这些条件相关的分子通路之间的串扰感兴趣. We use mouse and cell culture models, including patient-induced pluripotent stem cells, to study the effects of signaling aberrations in these diseases.



胡实验室研究致盲性色素性视网膜炎的视网膜变性机制,以及与发育迟缓和眼部异常相关的综合征型先天性肌营养不良症的脑畸形机制. We use the zebrafish and mouse to model these human disorders. Currently, we are developing experimental gene therapies using various animal models.



The Lin lab studies the neural circuit function in the brain, 特别是感觉输入如何转化为行为输出以及内部生理状态如何驱动灵活的行为. 我们对特定的营养信号如何在多个层面上影响动物行为特别感兴趣, such as feeding and reproductive 行为. 使用 果蝇 as a model organism, we combine molecular biology, 神经遗传学, 行为, and functional imaging techniques to investigate the following questions:

  1. What is the neuronal substrate that orchestrates nutrient-specific feeding 行为?
  2. How are different nutrient-specific signals integrated in central circuits to regulate feeding?
  3. 内部状态是如何改变生理需求的设定值来改变喂养和繁殖行为的?

Russell Matthews, PhD

Russell Matthews, PhD

Matthews实验室研究细胞外微环境在正常大脑发育和成熟中的作用, and its contribution to neural disorders and injury. 我们的实验室对细胞外基质中的一种叫做神经周围网的亚结构特别感兴趣. 这种结构是发育可塑性的关键调节因子,并与一系列神经心理和神经疾病有关. The lab utilizes a combination of biochemical, 神经解剖学的, 用分子方法来理解正常和受损大脑中神经周围网络和神经细胞外基质的功能.


Frank Middleton, PhD

米德尔顿实验室专注于确定精神和神经疾病的生物学基础. We use high-throughput genetic, 表观遗传, 以及人类受试者或动物和细胞模型的功能基因组技术,以确定与这些疾病相关的分子机制. We are particularly interested in autism, 精神分裂症, 注意力缺陷多动症, Parkinson's disease, 酒精滥用, and traumatic brain injury.



奥尔森实验室研究破坏树突起始和生长的神经发育障碍. The dendrite is a major component of the wiring of the brain, 树突发育的中断与严重的智力残疾和癫痫有关. We use multiphoton microscopy and mouse disease models to examine how genetic mutations, early neural activity and environmental factors affect dendritic growth and brain structure.

Francesca Pignoni, PhD

Francesca Pignoni, PhD

Pignoni实验室专注于转录因子和信号分子在神经发生和眼睛发育中的作用. We primarily use the 果蝇 melanogaster as an in vivo model, as it provides us with an incomparable platform for genetic analyses. We also work in cell culture and in yeast to dissect protein function at a molecular level. Lastly, we rely on 转录组 to understand gene networks. Genes we study are cause of congenital disorders in humans. Dr. Pignoni also serves as the Chair of Neuroscience & 生理学.

Mary Lou Vallano, PhD

Mary Lou Vallano, PhD

Modification of synaptic neurotransmission at glutamatergic synapses and activation of Ca2+-dependent second messenger systems contribute to the processes of learning and memory, neuronal survival and differentiation. 这些系统在中风和缺血后观察到的神经元功能障碍中起重要作用, 焦的癫痫病, and Alzheimer’s disease. Vallano实验室之前专注于分析不同兴奋性氨基酸受体(NMDA亚型)的表达和功能反应性。, modulation of responses by Ca+2-dependent protein kinases, 以及这些受体和激酶在神经元存活和分化中的作用. *请注意,我已经从研究转向医学教育,我的实验室也不再运作了. I am available to discuss these research ideas with interested students, staff, and colleagues.

Mariano Viapiano, PhD

Mariano Viapiano, PhD

Viapiano实验室研究神经微环境促进脑癌发生和生长的机制. 特别是, 我们关注的是由癌细胞产生的触发促肿瘤作用的细胞外基质成分. We generate novel reagents to target these molecules in brain cancer and utilize patient-derived and organ-on-chip tumor models; mouse models of cancer; molecular and cellular techniques; and high-end genomic analyses of brain cancer datasets and biopsy samples to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Cynthia Weickert, PhD

Cynthia Weickert, PhD

MiNDS实验室在死后的人类大脑和动物模型中使用定量分子生物学和神经解剖学技术来了解精神分裂症的生物学基础. In order to understand normal human development and aging, we chart molecular and cellular brain changes across the human life span, in humans from two months in age to 100 years. 使用 cellular neurobiology, 组织学, anatomical molecular mapping, 转录组, and quantitative molecular assays of proteins, metabolites and enzyme activity to analyze the human cortex and basal ganglia, we seek to uncover the underlying causes of 精神分裂症 and other disorders.

Sijun Zhu, MD, PhD

Sijun Zhu, MD, PhD

The Zhu lab is focused on characterizing processes of brain development using the 果蝇 model. 在II型神经母细胞谱系中,中间神经祖细胞极大地扩大了神经元的产生. 通过阐明中间神经祖细胞增殖和分化的机制, 我们希望获得大脑复杂性和脑肿瘤形成的机制见解. In the mushroom body of the adult 果蝇 brain, 蘑菇体输出神经元通过树突连接到蘑菇体神经元的特定轴突段. 我们使用这个模型来阐明亚细胞特异性靶向树突的细胞和分子机制. 这种突触连接的亚细胞特异性对神经元的活动和功能有着深远的影响.