


研究员Geeta Chaparala, MD和Sheetal Rayancha, MD, 2015年7月

All fellows are required to participate in clinical or basic research that is included in the program with appropriate protected time. 有多种研究机会,包括 美国国立卫生研究院资助的基础科学 以及临床研究. The fellows can also choose to tailor their research to their interests.

The aims of the research experience is for the fellow to learn learn sound methodology in designing and performing research studies, and the correct interpretation and synthesis of research data in applying it to patient care. Fellows also acquire knowledge of how to design and interpret research studies, 负责任地使用知情同意, proper research methodologies and interpretation of data with their involvement in actual projects.


We are a NIH-Funded research lab that focuses on the advancement of biomarkers to help with diagnosis, 预测, 以及风湿病治疗方式的选择. We also work with a diverse patient population needs from three different hospital settings. The variety of patient demographics provides a large pool source material for clinical research in both common and rare 感冒atological disorders.



  • Fellows explore current research projects to help to formulate which projects they would like to pursue in their second year.
  • Fellows are encouraged to research interesing clinical cases and present them at the 风湿病学 Grand Rounds and Lab conference.
  • Felllows participate in acquiring and entering patients in various studies, 并且可能会选择在一个特定的项目上花费长达一个月的时间.
  • Fellows receive CITI research of ethics and conflict of interest training for human research subjects and attend a mini-course on the aspects of research studies.
  • Fellows are encourage to complete a majority of their electives by the end of the first year so they can dedicate more time to resarch in their second year.
  • Fellows are expected to prepare their research activities for presentation and publication. 他们还有望发表至少一篇科学论文, 本章, 摘要, 在同行评议的期刊上发表病例报告, peer-reviewed performance improvement and/or present a peer-reviewed funding or a peer-reviewed 摘要 at regional, 状态, or a national specialty meeting during the course of their fellowship.


  • An optional third year is available for those that are interested in pursing intensive research.
  • 一个具体的项目将根据该奖学金学生的兴趣量身定制, usually depending upon their experience and progress in a related to a similar project during their first two years.
  • Eighty-five percent time is protected for research; 15% of their time is devoted to clinical duties, including a continuity ambulatory care experience of ½-day clinic per week, 住院会诊一年1个月, and attendance at the Laboratory Conference/Journal clubs and weekly 风湿病学 Conference



刘,Y,余杰,奥克斯Z, Marchena-Mendez我, Francis L, Bonilla E, Aleksiejuk P, Patel J, Banki K, Landas SKPerl A. (2015) Liver injury correlates with biomarkers of autoimmunity and disease activity and represents an organ system involvement in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 中国免疫学. 160(2):319-327. PMID: 26160213

赖,ZW, Marchena-Mendez我Perl A. (2015) Oxidative stress and Treg depletion in lupus patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome. 中国免疫学. 158(2):148-52. PIMD: 25862984

赖,ZW, Borsuk, R., Shadakshari,., Yu, J.达伍德,M.加西亚,R。.弗朗西斯·F., ty, H.巴托斯,A.Faraone, S.V.菲利普斯,P.E. 和Perl. A. (2013). mTOR activation triggers IL-4 production and necrotic death of double-negative T cells in patients with systemic lupus eryhthematosus. J. Immunol. 191: 2236-2246. doi: 10.4049 / jimmunol.1301005

加西亚,R.J.弗朗西斯·L.达伍德,M,赖志伟.Faraone, S.V.Perl,. (2013) Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity 说order Scores are Elevated and Respond to NAC treatment in patients with SLE. 一定啊. 感冒. 65: 1313-1318. PMID: 23400548

赖志伟,汉兹科,R., Bonilla E, Caza, T.N.B.巴托斯,A.,米克洛西,G,吉玛,J., Doherty, E, ty, H., 弗朗西斯,我, 加西亚,R.达伍德,M., Yu, J.拉莫斯,我.,科曼,我.Faraone, S.V.菲利普斯,P.E. Perl,. (2012). N-acetylcysteine reduces disease activity by blocking mTOR in T cells of lupus patients. 一定啊. 感冒. 64: 2937-2946. PMID: 22549432

泰,H.班基,K.霍夫曼,G.S. 和Perl. A. (2010) Detection of lupus anti-coagulant and successful anti-coagulation in familial Sneddon syndrome. 安. 感冒. 说. 69: 775-776.

弗朗西斯,我. 和Perl. A. (2010)系统性红斑狼疮感染:是友还是敌? Int. J. 中国. 感冒atol. 5:59-74.

Soforo E.鲍姆加特纳,M., 弗朗西斯,我.阿拉姆,F.菲利普斯,P.E.Perl,. (2010) TNF阻滞剂诱导系统性红斑狼疮. J. 感冒atol. 37:204-205.

泰,嗨 Perl,. (2009) Lymphedema: a paradoxical effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors – case report and review of literature. 英国医学杂志病例报告 (doi: 10.1136 / bcr.07.2008.0520]

Perl,.费尔南德斯,D.特拉里科,T., 弗朗西斯,我. 菲利普斯,P.E. (2009) T- and B-cell signaling biomarkers and treatment targets in lupus. 咕咕叫. 当今. 感冒atol. 21: 454-464.

弗朗西斯,我. 和Perl. A. (2009) SLE的药物治疗. 专家. 当今. Pharmacother. 10: 1481-1494.

费尔南德斯,D.R. Telarico T., Bonilla E.李,Q.Banerjee, S.米德尔顿,F.A.菲利普斯,P.E.乌鸦,M.K.,奥斯,S.米勒-埃斯特尔,W.Perl,. (2009) Activation of mTOR controls the loss of TCRζ in lupus T cells through HRES-1/Rab4-regulated lysosomal degradation. J. Immunol. 182: 2063-2073.

Perl,.Nagy, G.康茨,A.P.费尔南德斯,D.多尔蒂,E.特拉里科,T., Bonilla E. 菲利普斯,P.E. (2008) Molecular mimicry and immunomodulation by the HRES-1 endogenous retrovirus in SLE. 自身免疫, 41:287-297.

 Vyshkina T.西尔维斯特,A.萨迪克,S., Bonilla E.坎特,J., Perl,. 卡尔曼,B.(2008) Association of Common Mitochondrial DNA Variants with Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 中国. Immunol. 129:31-35.

Vyshkina T.西尔维斯特,A.萨迪克,S., Bonilla E., Perl,. 卡尔曼,B.(2008) CCL genes in multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. J. Neuroimmunol. 200:145-152.

Pullmann R. Jr., Bonilla E.菲利普斯,P.E.米德尔顿,F.A. Perl,. (2008) Haplotypes of the HRES-1 endogenous retrovirus are associated with development and disease manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. 一定啊. 感冒. 58: 532-540.

Francis L, Bonilla E, Soforo E, Neupane H, Nakhla H, Fuller C和Perl A. (2008)异丙酚致死性中毒性肌病, 甲基强的松龙, 在先前接触秋水仙碱和辛伐他汀后服用环孢素. 中国. 感冒atol. 27:129-31.

Bonilla E.弗朗西斯·L.阿拉姆,F.,奥格林,M.纽帕内,H.菲利普斯,P.E.Perl,. (2007) Immunofluorescence microscopy is superior to fluorescent beads for detection of antinuclear antibody reactivity in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. 中国. Immunol. 124:18-21

Bonilla E.李,Y.Y.菲利普斯,P.E.Perl,. (2007) Hypoglycaemia after initiation of etanercept treatment in a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 安. 感冒. 说. 66:1688.

金特罗M,米尔扎N, 张海,Perl A. (2006) Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome associated with primary angiitis of the central nervous system: report of two biopsy-proven cases. 安. 感冒. 说. 65 :408‑9

费尔南德斯,D., Bonilla E., Mirza, N, Niland, B. Perl,. (2006) Rapamycin reduces disease activity and normalizes T-cell activation-induced calcium fluxing in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. 一定啊. 感冒. 54: 2983-2988.

费尔南德斯,D., Bonilla E.菲利普斯,P.E. Perl,. (2006)  Signaling abnormalities in systemic lupus erythematosus as potential drug targets. Endocrin、代谢 & 免疫失调-药物靶点. 6:305-311

Mukhopadhyay,年代., Mousa,年代.乔治,B.R. Perl,. (2004)可触及的紫癜、多发性关节炎和腹痛. 地中海. J. 欧斯特. 180:121-122.