


During the first two years of medical school there are many opportunities to help you begin to explore the many career options available to you. 这将是重要的开始, 早期, the process of identifying what you like (and don’t like) most about medicine (e.g. 护理的连续性, 用你的双手工作, 深的问题解决, 高节奏的环境, 团队方法).



The Road to Residency program begins with an introduction to the specialties. During the fall semester of the first year, we host panels of physicians representing each of the most common specialties. These physicians provide an overview of their work, 典型的预期, (eventual) compensation possibilities, 等. 每个小组以Q结尾 & A.

The Undifferentiated Medical Student (TUMS) is a top-ranked Medicine podcast in iTunes (free) about choosing a medical specialty and planning a career in medicine. There are a lot of specialties (120+) to choose from. The purpose of the TUMS podcast is to help med students learn the talking points of all the specialties and to empower them to start exploring their career options 早期 and on their own.


Choosing a specialty should be an intentional and well-researched process. The best place to begin the process is the AAMC的医学职业 Website. This tool encourages a four-step process: Understanding Yourself; Exploring Options; Choosing a Specialty and Landing a Residency. Each step of the process is supported by multiple resources. 随便看看 logging in with your AAMC ID and Password (same as you used for MCAT and AMCAS).

Student Organizations and Interest Groups

A great way to learn more about medical specialties is to attend career-related student organization meetings. Because ultimate career decisions aren’t made until late in the third year (and sometimes even into fourth year), you have time to explore multiple options, and attending many different interest group meetings is a great start! Visit this list of clubs and organizations.


The summer between first and second year provides a great opportunity to learn more about specialties. Many of the clinical departments at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 offer structured and less-structured experiences for students. Keep your eyes and ears open to learn more about these opportunities.


Maybe you have no idea what kind of specialty in which you’re interested. 别担心,你不是一个人! Many students begin the exploration process by taking personality tests to evaluate fit with particular fields. 以下是一些可以尝试的方法:


永远不嫌早, 在你的医学院生涯中, to start to build your 课程 Vitae (CV). 不同于简历, a CV is academic in nature and follows a less stringent, 虽然可能更专注, 格式. It is imperative that you begin to document your involvements, experiences and accomplishments right out of the gate. This 早期 investment of time will make the residency application process easier as you will already be prepared to provide in格式ion to interviewers that is timely and complete. There are many resources to help you in the construction of your CV.

  • 本网站的简历部分. Here you will find “how to” in格式ion as well as examples from previous 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 students.
  • AAMC的医学职业. Yes, you guessed it, we recommend this site yet again. Here you’ll find great in格式ion about categories to include in your CV and sample documents.


The Step 1 Board Exam is the first in a series of cumulative tests taken by medical students and residents. 长达一天的考试, Step 1 has multiple one-hour sections that cover the preclinical education of medical school. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 students consistently have done well on Step 1. While studying for this exam is important, it should not compete with the study time dedicated to courses. There is adequate time to study between the end of year two and the beginning of third year. The Road to Residency Program provides guidance to second year students readying for this exam. We host panel discussions with students who recently completed the boards, and we provide study strategies and schedules to help students navigate the process to ensure success.