
成瘾精神病学 Fellowship

成瘾精神病学 Fellowship
600 E. 杰纳西河街
600 East 杰纳西河街
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电话: 315 464-9161
传真: 315 464-3141
名称: Tolani Ajagbe, MD, Program Administrator
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纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学/克劳斯健康成瘾精神病学奖学金提供ACGME支持, conventional one year (PGY 5) program available to candidates who completed a 4-year psychiatry residency program. 作为一个伙伴, you develop expertise in clinical, 学术, 以及成瘾精神病学方面的研究.

纽约州立大学上州医科大学/克劳斯健康也提供非传统的, ACGME- supported interdisciplinary fellowship that provides training and education for a diverse group of healthcare professionals, 包括那些有成瘾医学和成瘾精神病学背景的人.

The 学术 curriculum and clinical rotations of both programs aim to help fellows develop skills and expertise in the areas of substance use disorders (SUD), co-occurring SUD and psychiatric disorders, SUD的预防, 治疗, 复苏, and harm reduction services.



与纽约州立大学的使命同步,通过教育改善我们所服务的社区的健康, biomedical research and patient care, the mission of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Addiction Medicine/ 活泼的健康 is to improve the health of the communities we serve by working together with all members of our community to enhance health and to assist those battling substance use disorders. The program’s research is designed to study this field to lead to innovations for optimal care of patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and disseminate this information to our colleagues.


Our educational purpose is to train psychiatry addiction fellows in the fundamentals of addiction psychiatry including (1) the elements of specific 治疗s for Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) and (2) assessment and 治疗 of psychiatric disorders in the presence of comorbid SUDs.

  • 研究员将学习如何评估和诊断药物滥用障碍(SUDs).
  • 研究员将学习住院和门诊药物滥用治疗方式和服务的基本知识, focusing on the continuum of care for SUDs, including utilization of community services.
  • 研究员将学习在sud的背景下诊断其他精神疾病的原则.
  • Fellows will learn how to apply evidence-based pharmacological 治疗s for psychiatric disorders in the context of SUDs. 重点是在存在多种行为和医学合并症的情况下使用药物的安全性.
  • 研究员将学习各种心理治疗模式(CBT), MI, psychodynamic psychotherapy, 等).
  • 在成瘾精神病学奖学金结束的时候, 这个人将能够作为一名成瘾精神病学家独立工作, 能够治疗与成瘾有关的疾病,包括同时发生的精神和医学疾病.

Our fellows are evaluated based on the six core competencies outlined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical 教育 (ACGME):

  • Patient care and procedural skills
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Practice-based learning and improvement
  • 医学知识
  • 专业
  • 系统实践

Program Core Clinical Sites:

  • SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University
  • 活泼的健康
  • 赫利奥健康
  • ACR Health and/or Prevention Network


  • 门诊成瘾治疗服务轮转:纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件/克劳斯健康/赫利奥健康
  • 门诊共发疾病项目轮转:纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件/克劳斯健康/赫利奥健康
  • 住院康复计划轮转:克劳斯健康/赫利奥健康
  • 住院戒毒项目轮转:赫利奥健康
  • 住院成瘾和毒理学咨询服务轮转:纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件/克劳斯健康
  • 急诊科苏博松桥诊所轮转:纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件/克劳斯健康
  • 日间治疗方案和门诊治疗服务:克劳斯健康/赫利奥健康
  • 门诊神经精神分析成瘾治疗项目轮转:纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件
  • 动机性访谈尼古丁依赖(MIND)戒烟计划:克劳斯健康
  • 住院治疗方案轮转:赫利奥健康(要素)


  • 过量预防和教育培训
  • Naloxone Training and Distribution
  • Fentanyl and Xylazine Testing Program
  • 丙型肝炎筛查、教育、转诊和治疗
  • Syringe Exchange Program

Harm Reduction Services

  • Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program
  • Buprenorphine Maintenance Program

Scholarly Activity/研究

我们强烈鼓励所有的研究员参加学术活动,包括期刊俱乐部的活动, 情况会议, 教学论, and 研究/ QI projects. It is a graduation requirement that fellows complete a research and/or QI project during the course of their training, under the mentorship of our faculty.


Tolani Ajagbe, MD, FASM Dr. Tolani Ajagbe, MD, FASAM
项目负责人, 成瘾精神病学 Fellowship, 纽约州立大学上州医科大学成瘾精神病学临时部门主任. 他还担任精神病学主任和医学主任, 克劳斯医院戒毒服务中心, 锡拉丘兹, 纽约.

Dr. Ajagbe在尼日利亚伊巴丹大学获得本科和医学学位. 他在纽约州立大学上州医科大学完成了普通精神病学住院医师培训, 随后在同一机构获得了成瘾精神病学的临床奖学金. He is an Assistant Professor of 精神病学, board certified in General 精神病学, 成瘾精神病学 and Addiction Medicine. Dr. Ajagbe is a fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and a member of the American Academy of 成瘾精神病学. 他的主要临床研究领域包括阿片类药物使用障碍和并发疾病的药物治疗. 他在奥内达加县毒品专案组工作.

凯文·约翰逊博士 Dr. 凯文·约翰逊


凯文·约翰逊, 医学博士(他/他)是克劳斯成瘾治疗服务中心的一名成瘾精神病学家,也是该奖学金的毕业生. His clinical work and research focuses on addressing mental health disparities within gender-diverse communities and on increasing access to gender-confirmation surgery.

Dr. Brian Johnson Dr. Brian Johnson

Clinical Professor Emeritus of 精神病学. 成瘾精神病学和疼痛医学的前主任.

布莱恩·约翰逊.D. is Professor Emeritus of 精神病学 at the State University of 纽约 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University and former Director of Addiction Medicine. 他在哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)待了近30年后来到上州大学. 他已经出版了一本书,51篇论文和7本书章节,主题与成瘾有关. 在亚马逊上搜索“约翰逊”和“僵尸”就能找到他关于青少年毒品的书.” 关于成瘾医学发现的TEDx演讲.

Dr. Abhinav Sharma, MD, DAPBN, FRCPC, DAAAP Dr. Abhinav Sharma, MD, DAPBN, FRCPC, DAAAP


Dr. Abhinav Sharma is a fellowship-trained Addiction Psychiatrist and the current 克劳斯医院精神病学咨询和成瘾咨询服务的医学主任 in 锡拉丘兹, 纽约.

在北卡罗莱纳的东卡罗莱纳大学做普通精神病学住院医生之后, 他在迈阿密大学完成了成瘾精神病学研究. 然后他回到了他的家乡汉密尔顿, 在搬到锡拉丘兹之前,他在学术界和私人诊所工作了几年.

Dr. Sharma has been heavily involved in both medical student and resident level education throughout his years and was recognized by McMaster University for his Excellence in 教学. 他对全球精神病学有兴趣,重点是在农村地区最大限度地提高心理健康和成瘾服务, 缺医少药地区.

Dr. Sharma获得了美国精神病学和神经病学委员会的认证, 加拿大皇家内科和外科医师学会, 以及美国成瘾精神病学学会.

Dr. 阳光Aslam Dr. 阳光Aslam


Dr. 阳光Aslam是一个三重认证的社区, addiction and general psychiatrist who focuses on providing access to high quality psychiatric and addiction 治疗 in 锡拉丘兹, NY.

Dr. Aslam provides 治疗 and training to those interested in a public health model for vulnerable populations (with a focus on psychotherapy, but offers all forms of 治疗). Dr. Aslam is committed to access to care, 提供心理治疗,找出创伤、不正常关系和自我照顾的根本原因. Dr. 阿斯拉姆对康复护理很感兴趣, 就业援助, 无家可归者/街头外展活动以及对心理健康和成瘾治疗治疗师和开处方者的培训.

Dr. Zsuzsa Meszaros Dr. Zsuzsa Meszaros


Zsuzsa年代. Meszaros, MD PhD is Professor of 精神病学 and Director of 心灵在线 复苏 program at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University, Norton School of Medicine in 锡拉丘兹 NY. 她毕业于匈牙利布达佩斯Semmelweis大学医学院,获得博士学位.D. 在药理学和临床药理学和成瘾研究博士后培训. 她是精神病学和成瘾医学委员会认证. 她的研究兴趣包括精神分裂症患者尼古丁和酒精依赖的药物治疗. 她的临床研究兴趣包括动机性访谈和神经精神性狼疮. She has over 15 years of experience in conducting controlled clinical trials on patients with co-occurring schizophrenia and alcohol and nicotine dependence. 她于2016-2023年担任住院医师项目主任.

Dr. 罗斯•沙利文 Dr. 罗斯•沙利文

纽约州立大学医学毒理学主任急诊医学助理教授. Executive Medical Director at 赫利奥健康

罗斯•沙利文, MD, FASAM在锡拉丘兹的纽约州立大学上州医科大学完成了他的医学院教育, NY. 之后,他进入并完成了在同一家医院急诊医学实习. Dr. Sullivan then completed a medical toxicology fellowship at the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Poison Control Center and SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Emergency Department. Dr. Sullivan is also board certified in Addiction Medicine and is currently the fellowship director of the medical toxicology fellowship. He also is the director of the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Emergency Medicine Opioid Bridge Clinic; the aim of this program is to initiate buprenorphine in the ED with prompt referral to an ED based clinic where patients are treated and referred to community settings. Dr. 沙利文也是赫利奥健康的医疗总监, 一个提供药物滥用和精神治疗的非营利社区.

Dr. 沙利文撰写了几篇与药物过量和成瘾有关的出版物, 包括“滥用洛哌丁胺后心脏传导障碍”, “Synthetic Cannabinoid Withdrawal”, “Baclofen overdose mimicking brain death”, 以及“社区成员对模拟纳洛酮管理的随机可用性评估”.” Dr. Sullivan currently is a member of the Medical Advisory Panel to NY-OASAS (Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse), the NY-DOH buprenorphine work group, 同时也是当地缉毒小组的一名成员.

可乐Alao博士 Dr. 可乐Alao


Dr. Alao has been on the faculty, department of 精神病学 at the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University since 1998 and worked as a Polytrauma and Rehabilitation Psychiatrist for 10 years at the 锡拉丘兹 VA Medical Center. 拥有超过35年的临床医生经验, 自2007年以来,他每年都被评为美国最佳医生之一. He has more than 100 publications and presentations in scientific journals and he is passionate about mentoring medical students, residents and treating Military Veterans. 他是纽约州立大学上州医科大学库卡学习社区的医学生顾问. His clinical interests include Consultation Liaison 精神病学 (he was the founding program director of the fellowship in Psychosomatic medicine at SUNY), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 创伤性脑损伤和成瘾医学. He is board certified in 精神病学, 身心医学, 成瘾医学和管理精神病学. Dr. 阿劳相信整体疗法,专注于治疗心灵, 身体和灵魂,而不仅仅是处方药. Dr. Alao还获得了美国运动医学学院(ACSM)的认证。.


We feature Individual supervision with core faculty weekly along with quarterly meetings with program director and core faculty to review fellow performance and evaluate program quality.




  • 与全国的成瘾精神病学协会联合, 我们现正使用电子换证系统处理申请程序.
  • 我们将使用NRMP匹配来选择候选人.
  • 了解更多信息, 请访问美国成瘾精神病学学会(AAAP)奖学金网站, ERAS网站, and the NRMP Match website.

4013540047 - suny推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学项目


  • CV
  • 个人陈述
  • 三封推荐信(其中一封必须来自您的住院医师项目主任)
  • USMLE成绩单
  • 摩根士丹利亚洲
  • Medical School Transcript
  • 住院医生实习期 Diploma, when available
  • 希望申请我们奖学金的国际医学毕业生还必须提交以下文件:
    • 持有有效的外国医学毕业生教育委员会(ECFMG)证书
    • Proof of visa status or U.S. 公民身份


Individuals accepted into the 成瘾精神病学 subspecialty training program must have satisfactorily completed an ACGME-accredited residency in psychiatry and either have evidence of state licensure or have licensure upon matriculation. 有效的不受限制的纽约州医疗执照和个人DEA号码是必需的. 丁丙诺啡豁免也是奖学金开始的要求.


We have 2 one-year positions available each year with 成瘾精神病学 奖学金 beginning in July each 学术 year. 目前,我们在2023- 2024学年有2个职位空缺. 如有兴趣,请发邮件给我们的成瘾奖学金协调员((电子邮件保护)).


After receipt of completed ERAS application, 入选的候选人将与我们的教师联系,安排面试


Graduates are eligible to take the 成瘾精神病学专科认证考试 由美国精神病学和神经病学委员会提供.

Diversity and Inclusion

我们的项目大力支持和促进多样性的使命, 股本, inclusion and belonging. 纽约州立大学上州分校有着悠久的包容性历史,我们在这一历史中庆祝并向布朗博士致敬. 伊丽莎白·布莱克威尔(Elizabeth Blackwell)是第一位获得M.D. 从美国医学院获得学位(在纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件),并获得博士学位. 莎拉·洛根·弗雷泽, 她在锡拉丘兹长大,后来成为美国首批非裔女医生之一.
